Education and Innovations
家賃 / 月
Educational invention refers to the introduction of new options and tactics in instructing and learning. It includes the development of a fresh curriculum, instructing methods, and classroom substances. It also includes the usage of new technologies plus the emergence of numerous forms of liability.
Education can be described as social association whereby people get basic educational knowledge and expertise, as well as cultural norms and values. Subsequently, innovations in education are crucial for contemporary society to thrive and improvement.
Among the many factors for educational improvements, time is actually a particularly prominent one: endeavors to save it and raise its productivity are quite prevalent. In addition , ground breaking ways of using technology for speeding up and demanding learning had been shown to own a positive effect on educational overall performance.
The success of education enhancements may be evaluated by simply various analysis indicators. Some examples are learning final results, teacher conformative and summative assessments, student self-assessment, and more.
According to the theory of organized change, educational innovations could be categorized as evolutionary (sustaining) or revolutionary (disruptive). Major innovations cause incremental improvement but require continuity. Groundbreaking innovations, alternatively, completely change the field of education.
In addition , innovations inside the education system can be homegrown (come from the inside the field) or brought in from external it. They might be based on fresh ideas or styles, revolutions or technological trends, or better international theories and techniques (see Globalization of Education chapter).
Nevertheless , if an invention is to make an impact, it should not only be created although also distributed and used across schools and universities. This is certainly a complicated task that will require the involvement of an army of implementers together with convenient conditions just for the invention to spread and produce a effect.
面積 m2
便利で閑静な【Ba Dinh】バーディン地区のDao Tan通りに位置する星音アパートメント|ジム室があり、スタジオタイプの102号室【Hoshinooto Apartment・ホシノオトアパート】
Ba Dinh 物件 ID: 9986$ 500 /月
- 30 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 1 バスルーム
「Pentstudio Westlake Hanoi 804号」おしゃれな1ベッドルームのデュプレックスタイプのアパートメント
Tay Ho 物件 ID: 3664$ 1,900 /月
- 75 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 2 バスルーム
「Pentstudio Westlake Hanoi 714号」おしゃれな1ベッドルームのデュプレックスタイプのアパートメント
Tay Ho 物件 ID: 2920$ 1,750 /月
- 75 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 2 バスルーム
「Pentstudio Westlake Hanoi 712A号」おしゃれな1ベッドルームのデュプレックスタイプのアパートメント
Tay Ho 物件 ID: 5271$ 1,750 /月
- 75 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 2 バスルーム
日本人街にあるSatori2 Apartment|1LDKタイプの501号室: 家具家電付きリビングルーム&キッチン、落ち着いた色合いのお部屋でリラックス、広々空間
Ba Dinh 物件 ID: 1649$ 1,250 /月
- 50 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 1 バスルーム
日本人街にあるSatori1 Apartment|1LDKタイプの302号室: 家具家電付きリビングルーム&キッチン、落ち着いた色合いのお部屋でリラックス、広々空間
Ba Dinh 物件 ID: 7426$ 1,000 /月
- 55 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 1 バスルーム
閑静なTay Ho地区にある全室Ho tay(西湖)を望めるLA Apartment 301号室|高級感なお部屋
Tay Ho 物件 ID: 3626$ 1,600 /月
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- 2 バスルーム
日本人エリアであるKim Ma周辺に位置する【サカモト2・アパートメント】|広い空間があり、明るい2LDKタイプの302号室【Sakamoto 2】
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- 65 m2
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- 1 バスルーム
日本人エリアで人気があるKim Maの周辺に位置する「坂本2アパートメント、201号」オシャレな2LDKタイプ
Ba Dinh 物件 ID: 9171$ 900 /月
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- 2 バスルーム
日本人エリアまでは徒歩15分ルイスアパート|ジム室、広い屋上があり、高級なスタジオタイプの302号室【Louis Apartment】
Ba Dinh 物件 ID: 8258$ 650 /月
- 40 m2
- 1 ベッド
- 1 バスルーム
$ / 月
面積 m2